About us

Sareb is not a bank. We are an entity created in 2012 with the mission of helping to strengthen the real estate and financial sector for a limited period of time.

Who we are
Sareb is a private company with a public commitment. We are part of the plan set out in 2012 by the Spanish State and the European Commission to recapitalise the financial entities most affected by the crisis. We are not a bank, we are a company that absorbed the impaired assets of those financial entities.

Corporate governance
Sareb meets the requirements established in applicable regulations. Our Board of Directors and our management team are supervised by committees, as established by existing legislation. Although we are not a listed company, we follow best practices for Good Corporate Governance applicable to listed companies.

The nature of Sareb is different to that of other companies. We are not a bank, we simply manage bank assets. We have a public mission: to help the Spanish economy. We manage and sell loans and properties and we pay off the debt that was guaranteed by the State.